I go “pffffft” at T-Rex bitching about the pluralness of “they” though. “You” always takes plural verbs even when referring to only one person. Thon should get over it. 😉
Yeah, T-Rex is silly. All “They has always been plural!”. Uh, no. They has been used as a singular gender-neutral pronoun for several centuries by now. And if someone ever talks about any language having “always” been some way, I will laugh at them most heartily. Read up on language change, silly humans (and reptiles)!
Squee! 😀
Also, here’s a thing: http://www.qwantz.com/index.php?comic=2079 🙂
Haha, that is excellent! 😀
I go “pffffft” at T-Rex bitching about the pluralness of “they” though. “You” always takes plural verbs even when referring to only one person. Thon should get over it. 😉
Yeah, T-Rex is silly. All “They has always been plural!”. Uh, no. They has been used as a singular gender-neutral pronoun for several centuries by now. And if someone ever talks about any language having “always” been some way, I will laugh at them most heartily. Read up on language change, silly humans (and reptiles)!
I know this isn’t really in the spirit of polynessness…but what does a spiky cauliflower taste like..?
It tastes a lot like an ordinary cauliflower, really. Only awesomer, due to the fractals.
you… appear to have eaten a fractal…
Fractals are the tastiest of the math.