Archive for comic
This is by the fabulous Jo, who came to visit from far-distant lands with the glorious Andrew. I would heartily recommend both of them as excellent human beings. For a little context, it may help to know that Jo is[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Agatha Porter is a good friend of mine, and she’s well up on her true facts. I’d highly recommend following her on Twittah for her daily true facts. They are definitely true.
EMBIGGEN! Joe‘s creative process for this particular art piece, in a handy step-by-step guide. Get mashed and go to co-op dinner.* On the way home, be lured by some interesting tat on the side of the road. This includes a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I misread this nedroid comic the first time round. So, I comicked it. This photo was taken by the wonderful Dr. Love when she was visiting with the marvellous Fi. Please to be following them because they’re brilliant. On Twitter, I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This is by Hannah, who is brilliant. She is the mother of the Goblin Boy, and also she makes incredibly detailed and emotive prints; you can see her artwork here.
Also, I’m totally doing a decluttering blog on Tumblr, if you want me to boss you about and also end up with less junk. It’s called Free Your Stuff.
This is one of those comics where the photo kind of told me what to do. Flick gave me the flowers, because she is a lovelyface.